Basics of Chemistry

Its all about basic chemistry


Tuesday, June 25, 2019




Chemistry is a branch of science that deal with the structure and composition of matter (anything which has mass and occupies space is called matter) and the ways in which various type of matter combine with eachother. And every matter is made of small particles called molecules and in every molecules there are tiny particles called atom and atomi is also made of some particles which is an topic itself Atomic Structure, which we will discuss in another article. So, come to current topic,the study of chemistry is helps you to understand the world arround you.Everything is a chemistry it means that everything you touch and feel is a chemistry and there are many chemical reactions due to them life is going like as, you digest the food in this process various chemical reactions occured, your growth and many processes which relate to biology are related with chemistry, because biology and chemistry has deep association in many process like photosynthesis, human reproductive system and human digestive system and many more.Chemistry also deals with making of medicines.Chemistry association not only with biology it also related with othe field of science like physics,mathmatics e.t.c .


The chemistry is a study of matter, and every thing is a matter because there is no thing in the world which does not has mass or does not occupies space, So literally chemistry is the study of everything arround us, the food that we eat, the liquid that we drink, the gasses that we breath.


All of us have studied about science classes in our course but basic ideas of some peoples still not clear , like as we have studied about hypothesis , theories, and laws but what they actuall mean, So here will see basic concept of these.

HYPOTHESIS: One of the main term which used in many classes of science. This has many definition depending on the context for which we are using it.Come to the definition of hypothesis when a scientist observe a scientific fact and start thinking about it, and he share his idea without explanation that is hypothesis.

Then he starts working on his hypothesis and find some facts that correct his ideas, So the definition of theory is the written material of hypothesis(which scientist observe) is called theory in theory scientist write everything in deep about that object or natural fact that he observe.

SCIENTIFIC LAWS: To continue our topic define scienfic law.As from the heading it is clear that it is a law which make by a scientist.So, the definition is, theory which written by scientist is basis on a facts about his project on which he is working, he short his theory and give a statement that is calley scientific law.

VERIFIED BY IUPAC:Then this law is varified by IUPAC, ( International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) then it is published.Therefor it say that science is totally based on natural fact.There are three basics of chemistry. 
Why these are basics of chemistry because as we know it is study of matter and matter exist in three state, solid liquid and gasses.


Firstly talk about solid, everything which has definit shape and definit volume is called solid. 

KMT OF SOLID: KMT stand for kinetic molecular theory.The molecules of solid is tightly packed therefore they have specific shape.They have relatively kinectic energy the motion of their particles is vibratory.Therefor they can not flow like a liquid.Crystal are example of solid in crystalline structure the molecules are arranged in repeating arrangment called crystal lattice.


It as also state of matter and the definition of it is, everything which has definit volume but not definit shape is called liquid.

 Molecules of liquid are not tightly packed therefore they don't have shape, they can flow easily everywhere.They have low compressiblity thier molecules never close together.As compared to gases they have some space between them.They have more energy than solid particles randomly.Their molecules have random motion.Their intermolecular force is less than solid because they have more kinetic energy than solids.


Gasses are that state of matter which don't have definit shape and definite volume.

KMT OF GASES: Their molecules are widely separate from eachother.Their are are continuosly colliding with eachother and with the wall of container.These collision of molecules are elastic therefor there is no net loss of energy.The kinetic energy of gasses is higher as compared with solid and liquid.One insteresting thing is that they are move ina straight line.
One state of matter can change into other.Lets learn it with a example, water is liquid state of matter and it can change into solid state by cooling it and can change into gasses state by heating it.Do it chemical and physical properties change by changing it into other state? Yes, because every state of matter has it's on physical properties.When it was water it has 100 degree calcius boiling point when it become gas it boiling point decreases.And shape and size also changes.So here we end our article in this article we discuss about basis of chemistry in othe we will discuss in deep it's topics

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