Basics of Chemistry

Its all about basic chemistry


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Laws of Gas


Boyle's law is the relationship between the volume and pressure of a gas at constant temerature.
Volume of any mass of a gas is inversely propotional to the preasure at constant temperature.

According to the Boyle's law at constant temperature if pressure over a gas is increased its volume become decrease and if pressure will decrease volume will increase.

Another Definition of Boyle's law:
According to the mathematical relation of Boyle's law at constant temperature product of volume and pressure of a gas is constant.

Experimental Verification of Boyle's Law:
A jat is filled with a gas and a friction less piston is fitted on it. Now the weights are placed on the piston to give pressure over the gas.
When the gas on the piston is low, pressure on the gas is low and the volume is more, when the weight on the piston is increased, pressure over the gas decreases. From the different values of volumes at different pressures.

Graphical Representation Of Boyle's:
When volume of gas is plotted again pressure, it gives a Hyperbola curve which shows that by increasing pressure volume of a gas is decreased.

Charle's Law (1787)
Charle's law is the relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas of constant pressure.
Volume of any mass of a gas is directly propotional to the temperature at constant pressure.
According to Charle's law at the constant pressure of the temperature of a gas is increase its volume will increase and if temperature is decrease it's volume will drcrease.

Another definition of Charle's law
According to the charle's law at constant pressure ratio of volume and temeperature of a gas is constant.

Graphical Representation of charle's law:
Charle's observe that starting from 0 Celsius by changing 1 celsius temperature, volume of a gas changes to 1/273 times to its original value.
When volume is plotted against the temperature then it gives a straight line which intersect the temperature at
-273 celsius at volume equal to zero.
Thus it is observe that at this temperature 273 celsius volume of a gas becomes zero.
From this stage a new scale of temperature by the name of kelvin is start from zero.
This 273 celsius = 0 kelvin
From this a relation of the conversion of temperature is derived as
K= celsius + 273
Celsius = k - 273

Avogadro's Law:-
Avogadro's law is the relationship between volume and the number of moles of a gas.
Equal numbee of moles or molecules or all the gasses at same temperature and pressure occupy same volume.
According to Avogadro's law is the moles or molecules of different are equal and their temperature and pressure is same then their volume is also be same.
Avogardro observe that one mole of any gas or 6.02*10^23 molecules of any gas at standard temperature and pressure (S.T.P = 0 celsius and 1 atm) occupy 22.4 decimeter cube or lighter volume.
Three cylinders are filled with a one mole of CO2, H2 And O2 at S.T.P (0 celsius and 1 atm) volume of each gas in the cylinder is 22.4 decimeter cube

General Gas Equation
Ideal Gas Equation
Equation which shows the relationship between the volume, temperature, preasure and number of moles of a gas is called general gas equation or ideal gas equation.

Graham's Law Of Diffusion
Graham's law of diffusion describes the diffusion of gasses. It also described the effusion of gasses.
Rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely propotional to the square root of its density and molecular mass.
According to Graham's law gasses which have low molecular mass and low denisty (lighter gasses) diffuse rapidly then the gasses which have more molecular mass and more density ( heavy gasses).

Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure:-
Dalton's law of partial pressure is about the pressure of gasses in a mixture of gasses.
Total pressure of a mixture of gasses is equal to the same of partial pressure of the gasses of mixture.
According to Dalton's law when different are mixed to form a mixture, then the it means each gas is a mixture exerts same pressure as it exert alone. Thus according to Dalton's law of partial pressure
P = p1 + p2 + p3 ..... Where P = total pressure of mixture, p1, p2, p3 is the partial pressure of three different gasses.

Partial Pressure:-
Pressure of a single gas in a mixture is called partial pressure.

Example of Dalton's Law:-
Atmosphere in a mixture of gasses like nitrogen, oxygen, Argon and carbon dioxide etc. 760 torr is the total pressure of atmosphere at sea level, which is sum of all the gasses of atmosphere.

Application Of Dalton's Law
1) Collection of Gasses over Water:-
Some gasses are collected over water and such gasses contain water vapours and mixed with them, and are called weight gasses ( mixture of dry gas and watee vapours). Pressure of a wet gas is equal to the sum of pressure of dry gas and vapour pressure of water that is P wet = P dry gas + PH2O

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