Basics of Chemistry

Its all about basic chemistry


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

States Of Matter


Anything which occupies space and has mass is called matter
States Of Matter.
There are three states of matter gaseous state, liquid state and the solid state.
These states are physical.

1) Gaseous state or Gasses:-
It is the state of matter with no definite shape and the no definite volume.
2)  Liquid State
It is the state of matter with no definite shape but definite volume.
3) Solid State
It is the state of matter with definite shape and definite volume.

Gaseous State

Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gasses:
This is the theory based on the kinetic energy of the gases molecules. Main points of this theory are given below:
1) All the gases are made up of large number of small particles called gasses molecules.
2) ‎Molecules of gas has no force of attraction and no force of repulsion for each other and are free to move.
3) ‎Molecules of gas are in random and continous motion, they move in all direction in straight line.
4) ‎Molecules of gas have large space between them.
5) ‎collision of gas molecules with each other and with the wall of container are competely elastic. Elastic collision are those in which total energy of colliding molecules remain same before and after that collision.
6) ‎Gasses exert pressure due to the collision of gas molecules with the walls of container.
7) ‎Molecules of gas have no effect of force of gravity.
8) ‎Absolute temperature of gas depends on the average kinetic energy of all the gas molecules.
9) ‎At the same temperature all the gasses have same kinetuc energy.

Behaviour Of Gasses Or Properties of gasses:-

1) Diffusion:-
Spreading of gas through vessel is called diffusion.
Mixing of gasses with each other is called diffusion.
A drop of perfume gives fragrance in the surroundings due to diffusion of fragrant gas. Gasses diffuses rapidly than the liquid and solids.

Passage of a gas molecules through a tiny hole is called effusion.
This is inverse of diffusion. In effusion gas molecules become close to each other.
When a tire is punctured air effuses through the hole of puncture.

3) Compressibility:-
Property of gas to be compressed by the pressure is called compressibility.
In the process of compression pressure over gas is increased and the gas molecules are pushed together and volume of gas is decreased.
Gas is compressed in cylinder and air is compressed in tires of auto mobiles.

4) Expansion:-
When pressure over a compressed gas is reduced then its volume increases this is called expansion.
Expansion is reverse process of compression.
When pressure over a compressed gas is reduced its molecules become away from each other and the volume of gas will increase. Expansion of a gas causes cooling.

Explanation Of Properties Of Gasses In Light Of Kinetic Molecular Theory

1) Explanation Of Diffusion In Light Of Kinetic Molecular Theory:-
According to the kinetic molecular theory, molecules of gasses have large space between them and they are free to move in all directions rapidly due to which gasses diffuse rapidly.

2) Explanation Of Compression In Light Of Kinetic Molecular Theory:-
According to the kinetic molecular theory, molecules of gas have large space between them so when pressure over gas is increased molecules of the gas are pushed together and the volume of gas decreased and the gas is compressed.
Force per unit area is called pressure
Unit of pressure is (pound per square inch).

S.I Units
Newton per meter square
Normal Pressure Of Atmosphere at Sea Level.
Normal pressure of atmosphere at sea level is 14.7 psi and 101325 N/m^2
is called one atmosphere.
1 atm = 14.7psi = 101325 N/m^2

Measurement Of Pressure On mercury Column by Torrcolli:-

Torrcolli measured that at sea level normal pressure of atmosphere on mercury column is 760mm. It is named as 760 torr behind the name of torrcolli
Thus, 1 atm = 760 torr

Formula For Conversion Of Pressure:-
P in torr = atm * 760
P in atm = torr/760

Ideal Gasses Or Perfect Gasses:-

Gasses which obeys all the gas laws or the kinetic molecular theory of gasses at every temperature and pressure are called ideal gasses or perfect gasses.

Properties of Ideal Gasses:-
There are two main properties of ideal gssses.
1) Molecules of ideal gas have no attraction for each other
2) ‎Molecules of an ideal gas occupy no space.

Acutally no any gas is completely ideal at room temperature because the molecules of all gasses have:
Vander wall's force of attraction between them. But the lighter gasses are more ideal than the heavy gasses

Explanation Of Gas In the Light Of Kinetic Molecular Theory:-

1) Explanation Of Boyle's Law in Light of Kinetic Molecular Theory:
According to the kinetic molecular theory at constant temperature kinetic energy of the gas molecules remain constant and by increasing pressure molecules of gas are pushed together so the volume taken by each molecule decreases and as a result volume of gas decreases.
It can also be explained through charle's law, Dalton law and Graham law in term of Kinetic molecular theory.

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